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WP Install Google Analytics Plugin

Sandeep Kumar Mishra
Sandeep Kumar Mishra
in Posts > Tech
July 23, 2013
5 minutes read
WP Install Google Analytics Plugin

Event Tracking is a powerful feature in google analytics which lets you apply custom event tracking on any elements or part of your web page.
For example, you can track the number of clicks on your logo, a number of clicks on your buy now button and so on.

How to Install Google Analytics Tracking Code on WordPress Site

If already installed, you can skip this step but it’s not straight forward to apply so we thought to come with something which helps this job easier to anyone who is using WordPress. This plugin helps you to install google analytics code if you have not done it yet. You need to follow this single step to do so. As per below screenshot, paste your google analytics code.

How to Apply Custom Event Tracking for Google Analytics

Now it’s time to apply custom tracking on elements. First, decide on which elements you want to apply and you need to add an extra class on those. class nomenclature should be as below.

track_category_action :- Here category is Event Category and action is Event Action. Please take a look on the image below to understand this better.

Custom Event Tracking Examples:

These examples help you to understand completely how to use this plugin and its working. For any questions, you can post a reply below.

Case Study – Suppose you have a blog and you want to track how many visitors clicked on your logo.

Class Name Should be: track_logo_clicks

Here Event Category is logo and Event Action is clicks.

Tracking in Google Analytics


Case Study – Suppose you have an advertisement and you want to track the number of clicks on your advertisement.

Class Name Should be: track_advertisement_clicks

Here Event Category is advertisement and Event Action is clicks.

Case Study – Suppose you’re running an osCommerce solution and have a cart and you want to track how many visitors clicked on “buy now” button.

Class Name Should be: track_buynow_clicks

Here Event Category is buynow and Event Action is clicks.

Case Study – Suppose you have a form and you want to know how many times the form was submitted.

Class Name Should be: track_form_submit

Here Event Category is form and Event Action is submit.

Though you may decide an appropriate Event Category and Event Action titles as per your needs. But if you’re using this plugin and didn’t understand how to track an element, you may contact us and we’ll apply that for you.

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